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Time Saving 101: Topics to Avoid Reading

From: FundsforWriters

I read a lot of blogs, newsletters, magazines, and websites. As a fast reader and research guru, I can hardly resist to let some resource pass me by. However, with so limited time, I’ve had to decide which topics are worth my time. While my logic might not be yours, you might give my reasoning […]

I read a lot of blogs, newsletters, magazines, and websites. As a fast reader and research guru, I can hardly resist to let some resource pass me by. However, with so limited time, I’ve had to decide which topics are worth my time. While my logic might not be yours, you might give my reasoning some thought. Or at least test-drive my choices.

First and foremost, give yourself credit for knowing what you need and what you don’t. Not everyone is an expert and not every piece of expert advice is worth reading. Topics I will immediately discard:

1) Writer’s block. This is so dang personal that nobody can tell someone else what to do. I happen to be one who believes in either writing through writer’s block or taking a nap to wake up and start writing refreshed. I don’t believe in it much, and I definitely don’t want to hear about someone else’s.

Read more at FundsforWriters.

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