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Why bots will replace some customer service personnel: Depending on a firm’s ethical position, an AI bot can also be designed to harvest not only the customer’s words but also various “meta-facts”: male or female, young or old,

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Artificial intelligence has brought a big boost in productivity—to the criminal underworld.
Generative provides a new, powerful tool kit that allows malicious actors to work far more efficiently and internationally than ever before, says Vincenzo Ciancaglini, a senior

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There are plenty of relatively simple ways to address issues created by to some extent – say, installing apps that limit screen time – but some people are deciding to go further, returning to a time before constant

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An analysis of strategy: “Two decades ago, Google became the darling of Silicon Valley as a scrappy startup with an innovative way to search the emerging internet,” the justice department stated in its 2020 complaint. “That Google is

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I saw it from a distance of about 10 km as I drove along a winding country road that followed the Danube (Donau) river in Austria. A massive building, shining in the sun rose above the surrounding fields. My problem

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