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While the use of is still regarded as a sort of landmine in – with most tiptoeing around public scepticism and the (justified) perception that they’re replacing humans with computers – that doesn’t mean it’s not

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is serious with the regulation that focuses on Very Large Platforms:
has been requested to provide information on the transparency of its recommendation systems, including data inputs, and opt-out options offered to users who

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Economists predict rapid disappearance of petrol-only service stations:
Half of the Netherlands’ petrol stations are set to close in the next 5 to 10 years as electric cars start to take over the market, according to ING Research. The bank’s

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European cities take four out of 10 highest positions, and Canada and Australia two top 10 positions each. If you are wondering where are, for instance, large US cities, like Los Angeles and New York – they were ranked at

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and machine learning are not the answer everything:
Yes, generative AI might be what your business needs to deliver customer value in a given scenario. Maybe. It’s more likely that solid analysis and rules-based approaches will give the

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Denmark has built the first element of a tunnel that will connect the German port of Puttgarden to the Danish town of Rödbyhavn. In June 2024, The King of Denmark Frederik inaugurated the first milestone of the tunnel project that

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Probably takes time to achieve reliable production, but very promising:
An electric car developed by UK start-up Nyobolt has successfully charged from 10% to 80% in four minutes and 37 seconds in its first live demonstration.
It was

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Data broker quietly sucks all data from moderns cars and sells it for profit: LexisNexis Risk Solutions serves as a bridge between automakers and insurers. The Times reported that the data broker builds consumer risk profiles and “knew about every

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