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Constultants consider peaking at the moment: Analyst firm Gartner has published its annual hype cycles for cloud tech and enterprise networking, and both suggest cooling your jets rather than rushing towards AI-assisted tools to operate your

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Edward Snowden on ex-NSA chief’s appointment to OpeanAI board “This is a willful, calculated betrayal of the rights of every person on earth”. Snowden wasn’t the only prominent figure to raise an eyebrow.
“I do think that the

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Big Brother may monitor corporate : Some large companies have been using increasingly sophisticated tools to monitor employees since remote work expanded during the Covid pandemic.
Such services can track keystrokes and eye movements, take screenshots and log

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An update from to the issue raised by Noyb: Meta AI won’t be launched in June in because the bigtech giant is not allowed to suck Facebook and Instagram users’ content into the AI development. —

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A photographer has been disqualified from a picture competition after his real photograph won in the AI image category. Miles Astray entered a real, albeit surreal photo of a flamingo into the category of the 1839 Color

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Finns are not usually regarded as hot blooded dancers who like to impress their neighbors by dancing to latino rhythms on the streets in colorful costumes, but now, I have seen it in my own eyes that they can do

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When browsing the web, it’s really hard to stay private: websites, advertisers, ISPs, government agencies, and other third parties track every click you make to profile you or bombard you with targeted advertisements. It is crucial to use the most

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