Posted in Media, News

Video meeting leader Zoom announced recently that the company’s flagship product will support Apple Vision Pro avatars with a new visionOS app. You’ll be able to “pin” participants’ real-time hologram anywhere in your physical workspace. One inevitable application

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Posted in Media, News

A simple, efficient tip: “The best way to protect your data and information is to not give it away in the first place. Just because a site asks you for your birthday, doesn’t mean they need it, nor

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Posted in Media, News

How long will the world tolerate this? Majority of businesses experienced significant incidents in the last year that needed extra resources to address: companies in North America experienced the highest rate of security incidents (66 %), Western Europe

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Posted in Media, News

The striking feature of the new social media is that they are no longer very social. Inspired by , apps like increasingly serve a diet of clips selected by artificial intelligence according to a user’s viewing

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