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Researchers find that claims are fake news: ‘Due to the way the user interface is designed, users don’t know what is going on. For example, the user is given the option to enable or not enable

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World Happiness Report publishes an annual ranking of countries in the world, but in that competition Spain doesn’t shine. The southern European country reached position 55, just before Honduras, in 2024. Four Scandinavian countries occupied the top positions.

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People who understand the internet and risks of data collection use adblockers: The Censuswide report indicates that 66 percent of experienced advertisers, 72 percent of experienced programmers, and 76 percent of cybersecurity experts use ad blockers.
For the general public,

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How spies competitive products using an in-house on users’ phones: Facebook engineers proposed using Onavo, which when activated had the advantage of reading all of the device’s network traffic before it got encrypted and sent over

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The Parliament’s ban on lobbyists is a good start. But, frankly, the least the public should be able to expect is for the world’s biggest companies to not receive public money without being held to the

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This will be a long battle: The has announced investigations into some of the biggest tech firms in the world over uncompetitive practices.
Alphabet, which owns Google, Meta, and Apple are all being looked into for potential breaches

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Fallas fiesta in , Spain is not only one night or a weekend event, it is celebrated during three weeks in March. The events that draw the most crowds are during the final week and the closing weekend.

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network effect: “We are increasingly going to be locked into a completely curated universe which is governed by corporations rather than ourselves,” he warns. We are already starting to see something like this in China.

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