Posted in Media, News

France concerned about fake news impact on elections: One example of Russian disinformation campaigns he mentioned was the creation of so-called “Doppelgänger” websites that mimic authentic government or media services but instead post fake stories. The U.S. recently

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Posted in Media, News

In exchange for a smart connecting you to a few streaming services you use, a TV will collect data, show ads, and serve as another vector for bad actors. In a few reported cases, though, a modern connected

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If you happen to be 18 years old in 2024, and want to travel in Europe for free, now you may have an opportunity to do so. The European Union has a dedicated program called DiscoverEU that encourages young Europeans

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Posted in Media, News

The Dutch privacy watchdog AP on Friday said it was recommending that government organizations should stop using as long as it is unclear what happens with personal data of users of the government’s Facebook pages.
“People that visit

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Currently, most screens we use in our day-to-day lives tend to be of the same broad size: somewhere between our phone and the television. This is likely to shift, so displays have more variance and are everything “from super small

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The results from the Institute’s research indicated that the number of cyclists in Paris far exceed the number of cars. The most common reason for is commuting from a suburb to the city center. Trips between suburbs or

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