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There are with WiFi, cars with wireless charging, cars with cameras that not only help while you reverse out of a driveway, but which can detect whether you’re drowsy while on a long haul. Many cars now also

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The required hardware to run the system must be massive, or will Microsoft datacenter run it? Without connecting to the internet? — has created a generative model designed expressly for U.S. intelligence services. Unlike other AI

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Deepfakes are becoming the key tool for criminals to break : Criminals have just started scratching the surface of the real possibilities that GenAI offers them. We can therefore expect more capabilities — even those that go beyond

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Connected Vehicle to Everything (C-V2X) can protect , if adopted: this tech embedded (say in an e-bike or car) can monitor anything with a C-V2X chip as well as broadcast their own location at a pulse of 10

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A serious problem on infecting devices: Described as a “sophisticated iOS implant,” LightSpy first emerged targeting Hong Kong protesters in 2020. However, the latest iteration is much more capable than the first.
“It is a fully-featured

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A tough job: “The Olympic Games are a high-profile event and the biggest sport competition in the world,” says Vande Casteele. It presents an enormous target for attackers.
Vande Casteele says the Paris 2024 Olympics organization operates more

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to restrict profiling: “Meta has basically been building a huge data pool on users for 20 years now, and it is growing every day. EU law, however, requires ‘data minimisation’. If the Court follows the opinion,

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France concerned about fake news impact on elections: One example of Russian disinformation campaigns he mentioned was the creation of so-called “Doppelgänger” websites that mimic authentic government or media services but instead post fake stories. The U.S. recently

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