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A plan to use users’ personal data to train its artificial intelligence (AI) models without seeking consent came under fire from advocacy group NOYB, which called on privacy enforcers across to stop such use.
NOYB (none

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Building systems is possible for only few enteprises that have deep pockets: Dario Amodei, CEO of AI company Anthropic predicted that the cost to develop the next generation of AI systems that will be released later this year

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One more thing: if you are planning a road trip in , you have to know about highway tolls. Many, but not all, European countries collect tolls from vehicles that use highways. The usual methods are toll booths

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Santander bank – which employs 200,000 people worldwide – has confirmed data has been stolen.
“Following an investigation, we have now confirmed that certain information relating to customers of Santander, as well as all current and some former Santander employees

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Tech hype cycle: a survey finds that vast majority of ordinary internet users are not familiar with : — When asked whether they trust generative AI outputs, the results were even more stark. Across ages and nationalities, an

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The and index created by WEF is not intended to measure the most popular destinations, cities, or countries, nor does it recommend that the highest ranking countries would be the perfect destinations for your next vacation.

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Paypal will monetize personal data of its users in its own ad network – – – will provide ways for businesses to advertise online – on websites and in apps – and use the information PayPal knows about

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