2019-10-19 00:00:00
Blogging 101
From: FundsforWriters
I've been writing for my author website blog for the last three and a half years. Throughout the course of my 120+ posts I've written over 80,000 words (equivalent to the length of a novel!). I've learned a few things along the way. Today I want to share them with you. Benefits of BloggingIf you are trying to play the role of an expert in gardening, quilting, financial advice, or any other topic of interest, sharing what you know on a blog is one great way to establish your credible authority.Posting new content on your site in the form of a blog will draw people back to see what's new. It also makes for fresh content to post on your social media platforms.A blog is also a good place to post affiliate program links and therefore add a passive revenue stream to your site.Read more at FundsforWriters.